Could ADHD Contribute to a Substance Use Disorder?

Recent studies have suggesed that the incidence of substance misuse can be higher among those with ADHD relative to the general population. Appropriate treatment of ADHD symptoms with medication and behavior therapy may, however, reduce the risk of development of substance use disorders. An important part of ADHD treatment and stimulant medication management includes screening for substance use disorders and providing guidance around the appropriate and safe use of stimulant medications.

How ADHD Coaching Helps Students and Parents

Raising a child with ADHD is tough on parents. Children with ADHD often struggle in school, with friendships and at work. Getting your child a coach can do more than help your child succeed, it can help you too. An ADHD coach can be a critical and highly effective part of a multi-modal approach to managing ADHD symptoms and learning the necessary life skills for young people to learn to live well with the challenges of ADHD.

Matching Up with an ADHD Friendly College

The transition to college for students with ADHD can be stressful and the first year drop out rate can be high. That makes selecting the right college even more important. The college should not only provide accommodations and services to support those with ADHD, but should have a culture and structure that matches well to your symptoms and routines. Here are a number of important criteria to consider when selecting a college that is ADHD-friendly.

The Daily Groove: Learning to Love Routines When You Have ADHD

You have ADHD and your life seems chaotic and disorganized. You want to add more structure to your daily activities. You need to approach it carefully. Making changes that are too big or complicated, or tackling too much at one time generally won’t work. If you add structure in small steps, you won’t always get it 100 percent right, but you’ll probably be better off than you were before. We offer tips to help you create a daily routine that will give your life structure without being burdensome.

The Self-Driven Child: The Incredible Power of Agency

Researchers are discovering that agency, or having a greater sense of control over your own life, is an important component of achieving success and happiness in life. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson explore the powerful implications of using an approach that gives children more agency in their new book, The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives.

ADHD and Concussion

When it comes to the association of having ADHD and being at higher risk for concussion, researchers have begun to confirm what clinicians have long suspected. Due to various factors such as impulsivity, inattention, impairment in motor function, or differences in coordination, individuals with ADHD could be more likely to sustain a head injury. Their symptoms might also be more severe and persist for longer periods of time. Taking measures to reduce the symptoms of ADHD is one way to lower the risk of concussion for individuals with the condition.

When Both You and Your Child Have ADHD

Parents with ADHD that has not been diagnosed are often overwhelmed by the demands of parenting and struggling to meet their children’s needs. Lacking organizational skills, they may find keeping up with their kids’ schedules and managing their behavior very stressful. With the right treatment, parents who have ADHD themselves can be the best caregivers for their children with ADHD.

Dating and ADHD

Dating someone with ADHD is a double-edged sword. It can result in certain challenges and misunderstandings, due to the nature of the condition. However, dating someone with a dynamic personality who thinks and acts differently can be a rewarding experience. Understanding the impact that ADHD has on both you and your partner is critical to improving your relationship.

Tips for Staying Focused When You Have Adult ADHD

If you are one of the roughly 10 million U.S. adults with ADHD, it can be a constant challenge to stay focused and on task. You might easily lose track of conversations or forget what you were working on. Or fail to pay attention to important details and make mistakes. But this isn’t an oversight on your part. An inability to focus is a prominent symptom of ADHD. Here are some strategies to help you maintain your attention and focus.

Music and ADHD Therapy

The interventions for ADHD that are most often discussed are medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, coaching, support groups, and/or changes in the home, work, or school environments. Other tools can include exercise, meditation, a healthy diet, and good sleep. One intervention that is not typically highlighted is music therapy. Research suggests that music could benefit someone with ADHD, by increasing dopamine levels) and thereby improving attention and executive functioning skills.

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