How ADHD Coaching Helps Students and Parents

Raising a child with ADHD is tough on parents. Children with ADHD often struggle in school, with friendships and at work. Getting your child a coach can do more than help your child succeed, it can help you too. An ADHD coach can be a critical and highly effective part of a multi-modal approach to managing ADHD symptoms and learning the necessary life skills for young people to learn to live well with the challenges of ADHD.

What is Coaching All About?

Coaching young adults with executive-function challenges is about allowing the brain and the body’s nervous system to work together to for best results. There are several ways of looking at coaching. One is coaching for compliance and the other is coaching for growth. By helping those with ADHD find new ways to think in a positive framework, coaches can help improve brain function, reduce anxiety, increase executive function and certainly reduce stress.

ADHD Success: It’s Not all About Grades

Many high school and college students have a lot of worry, anxiety and even depression because they aren’t sure what they want to do with their lives. ADHD can make those feelings even more acute. Recent research shows that when students look to external cues for a sense of self-worth can have negative consequences. An ADHD coach can help a high school or college student focus on their intentions and values as a source of self-esteem.