Patterns of Adult ADHD and Comorbid Conditions

Recent research shows that about 60% of adults with ADHD have comorbid psychiatric conditions including: mood and anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, and personality disorders. The  presence of these other conditions can often complicate the process of diagnosing and treating ADHD in an adult. Early recognition and treatment of ADHD and its comorbidities has the potential to change the trajectory of these psychiatric conditions later in life.

Embracing the ADHD Difference

October is ADHD Awareness Month. Our understanding of ADHD has steadily progressed since it was first formally recognized as a medical condition. For those with ADHD, life can be a constant struggle. Yet, some of the world’s most accomplished people have have overcome their diagnosis and leveraged their ADHD “super powers” to achieve extraordinary success in their field. Here are some of their inspiring stories.

Could ADHD Contribute to a Substance Use Disorder?

Recent studies have suggesed that the incidence of substance misuse can be higher among those with ADHD relative to the general population. Appropriate treatment of ADHD symptoms with medication and behavior therapy may, however, reduce the risk of development of substance use disorders. An important part of ADHD treatment and stimulant medication management includes screening for substance use disorders and providing guidance around the appropriate and safe use of stimulant medications.

The Daily Groove: Learning to Love Routines When You Have ADHD

You have ADHD and your life seems chaotic and disorganized. You want to add more structure to your daily activities. You need to approach it carefully. Making changes that are too big or complicated, or tackling too much at one time generally won’t work. If you add structure in small steps, you won’t always get it 100 percent right, but you’ll probably be better off than you were before. We offer tips to help you create a daily routine that will give your life structure without being burdensome.

“Mirror, Mirror” – Finding the Special Gifts of ADHD

Much of what we hear about ADHD and ADD has to do with its negative impacts – the affected individual’s difficulty focusing, paying attention, or controlling impulses. However, being diagnosed with ADHD does not have to be bad news. Each symptom has both a negative and a positive aspect. Identifying and using these “mirror traits” can help you reach your full potential.

Becoming a Better Listener When You Have ADHD

For adults with ADHD, listening can be a challenge. Inattention and being easily distracted are two of the symptoms of ADHD that make focusing on a conversation or a lecture doubly difficult. Simple strategies, combined with practice and greater awareness, can help you improve your listening skills.

Driving While Distracted: Tips for Teen Drivers with ADHD

The National Safety Council notes that half of all teens will be involved in a car crash before graduating from high school. The primary cause: inexperience. Teen drivers with ADD, ADHD or similar learning challenges face even greater risks and need to develop driving habits that will help keep focused while on the road and out of harm’s way.

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