The ADHD-Friendly Menu
Diet can play a crucial role in managing ADHD symptoms by influencing dopamine levels. Here are foods to enhance dopamine and foods to avoid.
Diet can play a crucial role in managing ADHD symptoms by influencing dopamine levels. Here are foods to enhance dopamine and foods to avoid.
A new study about binge eating and ADHD is challenging the notion that the disorder is due to the impulsivity commonly associated with ADHD.
Individuals with ADHD can struggle with a sometimes intense negative body image. Learn why this happens and the treatment options available.
New research conducted in the United Kingdom and Taiwan lends more credence to the idea that Omega-3 fish oil supplements can improve the attention of children with ADHD as much as conventional drug treatments when they have low blood levels of omega-3. This could lead to more personalized ADHD treatments incorporating nutritional supplements.
ADHD can lead to overeating and excessive weight gain. Over time, this can result in other health problems. However, the food and exercise routines you build as part of an informed dieting plan can keep you in good health throughout your life. Here are some tips for building a weight loss plan you can stick with.
During the last decade, researchers have begun to discover connections between ADHD and various behavioral eating disorders. Many of the characteristics of ADHD are known to influence or exacerbate some disordered eating behaviors. Treatment options are available, but the ADHD and associated eating disorders should be managed concurrently.
When you have adult ADHD, staying organized can be a continuing struggle. Despite your best efforts, yet you never seem to get any more organized. There are piles of papers and clutter all around. You still lose your keys on a regular basis and spend time every day looking for your cell phone. Here are some strategies that can help you keep the clutter at bay.
Common forms of anxiety are much more common in people who have ADHD than the general population. Half (52%) of adults with ADHD will experience general anxiety disorder during their lifetimes. There are a few easy, everyday things you can do that will help control anxiety without taking another pill. And you can start right now!