Mindful Practice in ADHD Coaching

It’s not easy for parents managing kids with ADHD, jobs, after school activities and community obligations. Parents can feel overwhelmed and stressed by modern day parenting. The research shows that small doses of Mindful practice can be helpful in Executive Function challenges, mind wandering, and emotional regulation. It’s important to start with yourself. If you feel a bit less stressed and a bit more mindful, your children will be more likely to join with you in the journey to calm. Here are a few tips to help get you going.

Taming the Stress Monster When You Have ADHD

One of the keys to managing your ADHD symptoms is to identify your individual trigger points. Once you recognize what triggers your ADHD symptoms, you can make changes to your lifestyle that will help control episodes. For many adults with ADHD, stress is a particularly difficult trigger to deal with. In part this is due to the fact that ADHD itself may cause an ongoing state of stress. Here are some strategies to help you tame stress at home or work.

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Learn the tools and techniques to engage young people and set them up for success. Register for our Executive Function Coach Training on October 9-10 in Lakewood, CO here!
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