How to Study Smarter When You Have ADHD in College

The transition to college can be difficult for students with ADHD. College is often the time where you need a new set of skills – or maybe just a tune up – to cope with ADHD. In your life before college, high school and your parents together gave you built‐in structure and accountability. But in college you have a lot of unstructured time and you are totally in charge of making all of your own decisions. Here are some strategies to help you study smarter and experience success in college.

The Rules of Studying

Every year students try to cram as much information as possible into their heads to pass their final exams. This is often not a successful strategy. There is a right way to study and many wrong ways to study. Here are ten rules that help them learn better.

Learn the tools and techniques to engage young people and set them up for success. Register for our Executive Function Coach Training on October 9-10 in Lakewood, CO here!
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