ADHD in Older Adults
ADHD symptoms can worsen in older adults. Getting a diagnosis and treatment is challenging, but can make a big impact on your quality of life.
ADHD symptoms can worsen in older adults. Getting a diagnosis and treatment is challenging, but can make a big impact on your quality of life.
ADHD is often best treated with both medication and therapy. Here are tips for finding the right ADHD specialist for your therapy needs.
An ADHD diet that includes better overall nutrition, supplementation and elimination of toxic foods and additives can help control symptoms.
Therapy dogs, prescribed as part of a treatment plan for individuals with ADHD, provide not only companionship but many other benefits.
A mindfulness practice can help individuals with ADHD reduce anxiety, worry and stress. Here are tips to help you get started.
July Fourth can cause sensory overload for kids with ADHD. Here are tips for helping them enjoy the fun without being overwhelmed.
Productivity apps can be a great equalizer for individuals with ADHD who have to cope with a world not designed for them.
Many adults with ADHD discontinue their medication. Here are some of the reasons why and what to expect if you do.
Many people with ADHD have experienced childhood trauma. Somatic therapy can be effective for dealing with trauma and reducing ADHD symptoms.
Metacognitive thinking – or self-awareness – improves executive function and helps build resilience and self-reliance.