Menopause, Executive Function and ADHD Medication
New research shows menopausal women without ADHD can experience declines in executive function which can be improved with ADHD medication.
New research shows menopausal women without ADHD can experience declines in executive function which can be improved with ADHD medication.
Neuroimaging, in combination with machine learning, is providing the foundation for a more accurate diagnosis of ADHD.
ADHD and vision problems often co-occur. When this happens, it can dramatically affect executive function.
Recent research shows neurofeedback many be a promising therapy to help improve attention, control impulsivity and executive function.
White noise – auditory and visual – can help children with ADHD and other learning challenges improve their focus, memory and reading skills.
Regular exercise can curb impulsivity, enhance learning and improve the ability to plan, organize, and remember details.
Executive function skills are important to effectively managing work and life. But what are the brain processes that make them work – or not?
Sluggish cognitive tempo is a clinical construct that shares many symptoms with ADHD. Advocates say it deserves a separate diagnosis in the DSM-5.
The results of two recent studies show the important role that software can play as an adjunct therapy for the treatment of ADHD.
Adults with undiagnosed and / or untreated ADHD can experience long term impacts to their career and finances.