Finding the Right Career Fit When You Have Adult ADHD

The symptoms of adult ADHD – e.g., trouble focusing, difficulty prioritizing tasks, and lateness – can make work life challenging to say the least. That is why choosing or transitioning to the right career is doubly important if you have adult ADHD. A diagnosis of ADHD does not mean that your work life is doomed to being a constant struggle. You can identify the type of work that leverages your ADHD strengths so you can get the most out of your career.

Be a Financial Ninja Even with Adult ADHD

When most people occasionally bounce a check or forget to pay a bill, they may put it down to forgetfulness or a busy work schedule. However, for adults with ADHD, managing money can often be a constant struggle. Trouble with planning, organizing and self-control are the opposite of what it takes to successfully manage your personal finances. Having ADHD does not mean you are destined for financial problems. The key is creating a simple plan and put it in place, step by step.

Addressing Problematic ADHD Social Behaviors via Coaching

At the Edge Foundation, our first task as coaches is always to help them develop the organizational skills that will help them to remember to get to class, get a term paper written, and in short, get passing grades. But while helping a young person keep their current job as student is critical, as coaches we also have a responsibility to help them develop the skills they will need for their future jobs in whatever profession they choose.

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