Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and ADHD
Many individuals with ADHD also have rejection sensitive dysphoria. Learn what it is, the symptoms and strategies for coping with it.
Many individuals with ADHD also have rejection sensitive dysphoria. Learn what it is, the symptoms and strategies for coping with it.
Doing dull, boring or repetitive tasks can be challenging when you have ADHD. Having a body double can help.
Gamification can provide the motivation and inspiration to get routine (and often boring) tasks done when you have ADHD.
The pressure of a weighted blanket can provide a sense of security, help improve sleep and reduce anxiety for individuals with ADHD.
Medication is more effective for treating adult ADHD when combined with therapy. Here are some therapy options to consider.
Individuals with ADHD can be vulnerable to “gaslighting” or emotional manipulation. Here is how to recognize and stop it.
Missed or late diagnosis and treatment of ADHD can have devastating long-term consequences for women with the condition.
Many individuals with ADHD also suffer from Hoarding Disorder which can disrupt their lives. Here is what it is and how to prevent it.
Many individuals with ADHD are experimenting with cannabis as a way to reduce their ADHD symptoms. Is it effective?
Conversation can be difficult for those with ADHD. Here are tips to improve your conversational skills and enjoy connecting with others more.