ADHD from A to Z covers the bases of being a student with ADHD

In case you missed it, we’ve created a new page for you called ADHD From A to Z. This comprehensive ADHD resource contains all of our articles with tips, information and ideas for coping with ADHD that we’ve published over the years.We intend this page to be a go-to ADHD resource that you refer to again and again. We like to think of it as our “Everything You Need to Know about ADHD and Being a Student But May Not Have Thought to Ask” page.

The page is organized by topic. Just look down the left hand column to see subjects such as medication, sleep, hyperfocus or anxiety. What you won’t find on this list are time sensitive articles such as Michael Phelps and the Olympics or the latest Shire Scholarship recipients.

We’ll keep adding to the page as we create new articles. And, as always, if there is a topic you’d like for us to write about, please let us know!

We’d also hope you’ll find this an easy way to send a friend one link that covers dozens of topics. So please share it on Reddit, Twitter or Facebook or link to it on your blog.  Enjoy!

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