ADHD students don’t have to be “at risk” students

We hope you didn’t miss last week’s exciting news:

The Edge model of coaching has been proven to be effective at improving students’ abilities to study and succeed in school.

If you don’t have enough time to read the full report, here’s what you need to know about the findings in a nutshell.

The Edge model of ADHD coaching:

  • improved students’ approach to learning
  • increased students’ well being and led to more positive emotional states, and
  • is highly effective in helping students improve self-regulation, study skills and will.

The Edge model of ADHD coaching improves executive functioning

Students who received Edge coaching showed:

  • substantial gains in their overall approach to learning,
  • significant improvement in their ability to organize, direct and manage cognitive activities, emotional responses and overt behaviors,
  • increased ability to formulate realistic goals and consistently work toward achieving them
  • more effective time management skills, and
  • improved ability to stick with tasks even when they found them challenging.

The impact of Edge coaching was highly statistically significant:

  • Improvement in self regulation was more than double for that of other educational interventions.
  • The improvement on executive function was quadruple other interventions.
  • Research findings with effect sizes that large (i.e. double and quadruple other interventions) are rare.

The number of ADHD students dropping out of high school and college is alarming. Close to 30% of students with ADHD will drop out of college. With the Edge model of ADHD coaching, ADHD students don’t have to be “at risk” students.

Learn About Edge Executive Function Coaching


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