The Challenges of ADHD & High School

Do you know a high school student who is struggling?

Living with ADHD can be frustrating – for the students that have it and the adults who care about them. While every high school student is learning important skills that will help them be successful in school and life, the ADHD student has to work much harder to learn these same skills.

The added challenge of high school is that students are also moving away from accepting help from their parents, and may be embarrassed to let others know they are struggling with basic skills such as studying, remembering things or keeping track of time. Many times they mask these struggles with “poor attitude.” Added to the challenge are adults who see these behaviors as a failing of character–just not caring or just not trying hard enough–when there are actually fundamental neurological issues contributing to the problems.

Help is here!

At the Edge Foundation, we believe that coaching can mean the difference between success and failure for high school students with ADHD. An ADHD coach works with the student to help make the most of his or her strengths and overcome the challenges. An Edge Coach is not a doctor or teacher but rather a skilled specialist who works with your student to help your student learn and practice important skills that will last a lifetime. A coach gets to know each student’s individual strengths and finds ways to help your student succeed academically, socially, and in all areas of life.

After your student is matched with an Edge Coach, they set up weekly sessions to talk about how school and personal life is going. The coach helps the student find strategies to stay organized, utilize time well, and stay on track in class. The coach can help remind the student to make good choices and take care of him or herself emotionally and physically. ADHD coaches can also help students improve relationships with friends, peers, teachers, and family members.

The end result is a student who has increased capabilities, confidence and sense of self!

Sign up today!

Why not sign up today to get more information?  It doesn’t cost anything to check it out.

For students under 18 years of age, parents will participate in all phases of the application process. For students 18 years and older, it is expected that the student take the initiative for selecting his or her own coach and that the parents take a supportive but secondary role.

If you know a student who is struggling, an ADHD coach can make all the difference in the world. Pass the word. ADHD doesn’t have to be a disability that holds you back from living a fully accomplished and successful life.

Learn About Edge Executive Function Coaching


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2 Responses

  1. Raona zumwalt

    tell me more about this program I have a grandson that is failing high school and has ADHD.