Life coaching boosts success rates for ADHD students

In case you missed the paper on Sunday, Parade Magazine ran a story about an innovative program that helps reduce the high school dropout rate.

Chilling facts about the U.S. high school dropout rate

  • Only 71% of all American high school students will end up graduating.
  • The current generation of teens are less likely to earn a diploma than their parents.
  • Each year dropout students cost taxpayers $320 billion in lost wages, taxes, and productivity.

Innovative program boosts high school completion rates

The state of Georgia has been experimenting with providing what they call “graduation coaches” to at-risk teens.  These “coaches”, who function a lot like social workers, keep on top of teens to ensure they complete enough credits to graduate.  Early results are very promising.  In South Atlanta, the graduation rate has jumped from a shameful 35% graduation rate to an above-average 74%.  That’s progress to be proud of!

ADHD Coaching takes “graduation coaching” to the next level:  life coaching

The power of someone paying attention and caring that kids are actually in class and passing courses is clearly amazing. Students with ADHD need more than attention to help them be successful.  They need life coaching.

Life coaching provides accountability the same way graduation coaching does. But it also helps ADHD students gain self-awareness, self-mastery and self-advocacy.  A coach can help students identify their goals, create action plans to accomplish these goals, and practice skills to monitor their progress towards achieving their goal.

In most cases, after just one year of ADHD coaching, most students have internalized these lessons and are able to carry on successfully without a coach.

Just one year of coaching can turn a disorganized student into a successful person who is able to achieve whatever they set out to accomplish. The Edge Foundation is in the final phases of a ADHD coaching pilot study which will demonstrate how coaching helps college students be successful.  Look for results being announced later this summer.

Now is the time to find a coach who can help getting ready to head off to college in the fall.  For more information visit

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8 Responses

  1. […] time, staying organized and persisting in completing assignments.  Life coaching can actually boost graduation rates for high school students.  So we are excited by this partnership which will help more ADHD students find the resources they […]

  2. Dr James Kelly

    I’m interested in finding someone to assist my young son to reach his potential. He was an exceptional student taking many advanced classes,
    until he got I volved in marijuana and unfortunately became addicted. He’s been clean for six months, recently dropped out of high school, plans on taking his GED next week, matriculating to Schoolcraft College in January.
    he as some employment at a car wash and bike shop.
    Thank You

    • Peggy -- Edge blogger

      Thanks for reaching out. You should have received an email from Denise by now.

  3. Ghassan Shah

    I live in the Baltimore/Randallstown MD area and would like to find someone to assist my daughter with ADHD. Do you know of groups/individuals involving in life coaching in this area

    • Peggy

      I will forward your remark on to Denise, our Coach match coordinator who will be in touch!

  4. karen

    We live in johns creek atlanta area – would like to find someone to assist both my son and daughter both have ADHD and Gen anxiety. Do you have anyone in this area?

    • Peggy -- Edge blogger

      Yes we do! Contact our Program Administrator, Denise von Pressentin, and she would be happy to help you find a coach that fits your needs. Contact information 888.718.8886 or [email protected].

    • Peggy -- Edge Blogger

      I’ve forwarded your request to our coach match coordinator. She’ll be in touch via email. In the meantime, here’s her number if you wish to call: 1-888-718-8886. Good luck!