Kevin Reeves

Kevin Reeves
Trainer & Fidelity Manager

As the North Carolina Fidelity Manager, Kevin Reeves’ job is fueled by a passion and desire to help students that has spanned the last 20 years. From sports camps to church groups, to working as an Elementary and Middle School P.E. teacher, he has had the privilege of serving in various roles that support students in numerous ways. He graduated from Biola University in Southern California in 2002 with a B.A. in Christian Education and completed his training as a co-active coach at the Co-Active Training Institute this year.

Naturally, upon discovering coaching and all that it offers, the question arose for him, “How can bring this to students?”. The Edge Foundation is a great fit for him, as it perfectly marries his goals of serving and equipping teachers and students to create the impact that both are capable and deserving of. Witnessing the look on a faculty member’s face when coaching clicks and they grasp the possibilities available for their students is breathtaking. He is honored and thrilled to be part of such an organization and to work with a group that shares this passion.