Deborah Rubin
Fidelity Manager, Southern CA

Deborah has over 20 years of experience as a Coach. She serves as the CEO and President of Rubin Resources Incorporated (RRI) which offers life, career, executive coaching, leadership and staff trainings and research-based validated assessments. She holds a Board Certified Coach Credential (BCC) with specialty designations in Executive/Corporate/ Business/Leadership, Career, and Personal/Life coaching, She, also, holds a Professional Coach Certification (PCC) from the International Coach Federation. She is an associate with TTI  Success Insights, which offers individuals assessments on motivation, behavior and competencies.  In addition to ADHD certified training, she is  an  Enhanced Practitioner in Judith Glaser’s Conversational Intelligence® and Lisa Ann Edward’s ROI Program, as well as, a certified coach in John Mattone’s Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching  Process.

Deborah had experience designing, training and supporting coaches. She believes coaching is a great collaborative way to help motivate and support people to reach their greatest potential. She enjoys working with other coaches to help them see the huge positive results a client can achieve from a successful coaching engagement. Her work training and supporting coaches includes helping redesign  Coach Lisa Edwards ROI online coach training course presentation for WBECS,  the development of a corporate coach training program where she served as the coach advisor and  in her work supporting CEOs in their role as a coach to their employees through an RRI sponsored Mastermind Group.

Deborah received a BS from New York State University at New Paltz and a JD from Albany Law School of Union University.