Overcoming ADHD Inertia

Boredom:  weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity.

Inertia: A tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.

Ever feel bored in the summer? Perhaps it’s not because there is nothing to do, but instead because you are having trouble getting motivated. Inertia is a common human condition. Overcoming it takes practice.

Most people with ADHD have a million ideas going on in their heads, but often when it comes down to doing them, they get stuck. In a earlier post, we talked about how to move past boredom when you have a despised, but necessary, task that there is just no getting around doing.

But what about those times you have something you want to do, and you’ve even started to work on it, but you get stuck and overwhelmed?  Then you are dealing with inertia, not boredom.

Inertia can sneak up on you when you are overwhelmed by the task at hand or you aren’t sure where to start. Instead of fighting it why not try using inertia in your favor?

First, find somewhere really comfortable to sit where no one will distract you.  A hammock is a great idea, the couch in front of the Xbox not so good. Be sure you put on a relaxing playlist, but no so relaxing you fall asleep! Bring a notepad and paper.  Some people like to use post its for this part.

Now relax. Seriously. Stop stressing about what you haven’t done. Instead let your mind float into the brainstorming mode. While you are brainstorming think about all of the things you could do to get the task done and write them all down. Write down every little detail. And don’t stop writing until you get everything down you can think of you need to do.

Now figure out what are the easiest things to do and DO them! Got a pack of post-it’s?  Check. Lying in the hammock? Check. If you find there are things that are too hard to do, try to break them into smaller tasks. Set deadlines for yourself. Celebrate when you meet them.

Pausing to reflect isn’t being lazy, it’s thinking things through and planning how to get them accomplished. The key to success is to keep taking small steps every day.

This example is just one plan of attack that people use to get motivated. If it doesn’t work for you, don’t get discouraged. As they say, there are lots of other ways up the hill.  If you are having trouble meeting your own deadlines, setting unrealistic goals or feel like you haven’t figured out a way to motivate yourself despite your best efforts, you may want to work with a coach for awhile. An ADHD coach can help you figure out strategies that work with your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. A coach can hold you accountable. A coach can kick you in the rear when you are feeling lazy.

To find out more about how an ADHD coach can help you overcome inertia call 1-888-718-8886.

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