ADHD humor

How’s your sense of humor?  Do you ever use it to  help laugh off an “ADHD mistake”?  You’ve probably heard that a good sense of humor can help you deal with some of the foibles and stress of having ADHD.  So as summer vacation is ramping up for most students, we thought we’d take a break from the serious side of ADHD and offer up a little ADHD humor.

We trolled the internet and found the best ADHD (and worst) ADHD humor was displayed on t-shirts.

So we’d like to know, which of these T-shirt slogans are your favorites?  You’ll need to head on over to Facebook to find the Question (click on the photo below for the link).  We hope it’ll make you smile enough to share it with your friends.

ADHD humor
Click on image to take the poll

Here’ s the poll link:

Looking for more ADHD humor?  There’s a good thread over at ADHD Forums.

Know some other ADHD humor we missed?  Please share it in the comments and have a great summer!


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