Our Mission
The Edge Foundation is a charitable 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people reach their academic, personal, professional, and social potential through the support of executive function coaching. Our approach is through coaching and training coaches, our model is research proven, and our outcomes are measurable.

What We Do
Edge Foundation coaching and coach training build
and scale individuals’ executive functioning skills–such as time management, organization, sustained attention and self-awareness–that extend to overall success in life.
Who We Serve
We make our services available to all communities, including at-risk individuals who may be homeless, financially disadvantaged, in foster care, in the justice system, or in school. Our goal is to provide executive function success for those communities most impacted by learning challenges.

Founder’s Story
Edge Foundation’s founder had two children with ADHD, and was also a successful corporate leader who had used personal coaches. He found coaches for his children and they were the most effective intervention for managing their executive function deficits. He then wanted to make effective coaching available to all people with similar issues. The result is Edge Foundation, with a research-based model with a uniquely successful impact on the lives of coaches.
The Edge Board
The members of our Board of Directors and Board of Advisors represent a unique blend of relevant experience, capability and insight to development of Edge and the fulfillment of our mission.
Our Sponsors
The work of the Edge Foundation has been made possible over the years by the generous support of numerous foundations and corporate sponsors.
The People Behind Edge
The Edge Foundation team is a diverse group of dedicated professionals working to fulfill the mission of the organization.
Edge in the Media
Edge has frequently been featured in print, online articles, podcasts and broadcast media.
Contact Us
Contact us to learn more about the Edge Foundation and its coaching programs.
Neil Peterson
Founder, Chairman & CEO
Toll Free: 888-718-8886
Direct: 206-910-7515
Jan Carruthers
Executive Director
Toll Free: 888-718-8886