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Free ADHD College Success Guide


In College with ADHD and Struggling?

Our FREE Guide, ADHD & College Success,
Provides New Strategies That Work with Your ADHD Strengths
So You Can Study Smarter

ADHD or ADD can make it hard to keep up with your college studies.
The key to success is learning the techniques – the “executive function” skills – that make studying easier and more effective.

College is a critical time for students with ADHD. Simply striving to be organized and motivated isn’t the solution to college success. Finding new strategies that work with ADHD strengths is the key. ADHD and College Success includes tips and strategies you can start using today!

Does this sound like you?

  • I do my homework but forget to hand it in.
  • I have trouble staying focused on the things I know I “should” be doing.
  • Sometimes class is so boring I can hardly stand it.
  • I keep promising myself I won’t procrastinate, but I keep finding myself doing it at the last minute, again.
  • Sometimes an assignment seems so huge, I just can’t figure out how to get started on it. And even when I do get motivated to begin, I feel like I never get anything finished.
  • I know I’ll feel better when I go to bed on time, but I just can’t sleep until I’m totally 
  • I’m late way more often than I want to be. It’s so hard to get out of the door on time.

You can change!

Request Your FREE Copy of
ADHD and College Success Today!

ADHD and College Success helps you:

  • GET ORGANIZED – Keep track of your assignments so you don’t get overwhelmed
  • PRIORITIZE – Get your work done in the right order at the right time so you don’t fall behind
  • STAY FOCUSED – Avoid distractions that keep you from finishing what you’re doing
  • PAY ATTENTION – Learn to listen so you don’t miss importat information
  • MANAGE YOUR TIME – Establish a routine that lets you accomplish more in less time
  • STUDY SMARTER, NOT HARDER – Apply the study practices that can shorten your study time and make it more effective.

And much more!

The Edge Foundation has helped hundreds of individuals succeed in school and on the job, and the success of our techniques is backed by university research.

“This study demonstrated that the Edge coaching model was highly effective in helping students improve executive functioning and related skills as measured by the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory. The magnitude of the effect size for self-regulation was more than double the typical educational intervention, and executive functioning was quadruple. Findings with effect sizes that large are rare.”

Wayne State University research study by the College of Education’s Center for Self-Determination and Transition

Want More Help Coping with the Transition to College?

Working with an Edge Coach is the fastest way to get the study skills you need to be successful in college. The Edge Foundation matches you with a compatible, certified ADHD coach who is specially trained to work with you to develop the skills that will help you reach your full potential.

An Edge Coach can make the difference between success and failure in college. The skills you learn can serve you for a lifetime. So why wait?

Call 206-632-9497 or toll free 1-888-718-8886 to arrange for your FREE, no obligation Edge Coaching Consultation.

Learn About Edge Executive Function Coaching


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