To Sleep, Perchance to Dream: Helping a Child with ADHD Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Research has shown that up to seven of every 10 children with ADHD have clinical sleep disturbances. This is important because disturbed or inadequate sleep can exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD including hyperactivity, impulsivity, or irritability. Here are a number of steps parents can take to help a child with ADHD get a better night’s sleep.

The ADHD Sibling Effect

Raising a child with ADHD usually requires a great deal of patience and understanding on the part of the parents. But for the siblings, having a brother or sister with ADHD can also be quite a challenge. Here are some tips to help the whole family manage potential difficulties and also have an opportunity to learn positive lessons about empathy, creativity, sharing, and more.

Lost in Hyperfocus

Hyperfocus can be one of those “gifts of ADHD” that can lead to quite extraordinary accomplishments. It can also lead to wasted time and social disconnection if you don’t set up a strategy to help you manage it. By anticipating the impacts of your hyperfocus and using such a strategy, you can reap its benefits and avoid its disadvantages.

Finding a Career that Offers Happiness, Purpose and Passion When You Have ADHD

The job market today can be intimidating for students with ADHD, In this interview, ADHD and career coach Michelle Raz discusses the career challenges often faced by individuals with ADHD,and shares a process they can use to find an authentic career that they can be passionate about.

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