The Power of Resilience, Coaching and Caring

Last week the Seattle Times ran a front-page story on Vincenzo Di Salvo, a Tacoma School District student who received Edge coaching in middle school and triumphantly graduated high school. Next fall he will become the first in his family to attend college. Vincenzo credits Pam Frazier, his Edge coach, as the single biggest reason he was able to turn his life around and graduate. His is an inspiring story of the power of resilience, coaching and caring to overcome even the most difficult challenges.

Finding a Career that Offers Happiness, Purpose and Passion When You Have ADHD

The job market today can be intimidating for students with ADHD, In this interview, ADHD and career coach Michelle Raz discusses the career challenges often faced by individuals with ADHD,and shares a process they can use to find an authentic career that they can be passionate about.

Instructions Not Included

While raising a son who has ADHD, Cynthia Flash often told people “He comes with an instruction manual. Unfortunately, it’s written in Chinese and I don’t speak Chinese.” So, when she read Penny Williams’ new book about parenting an ADHD son titled, “A Boy Without Instructions,” she naturally felt a strong resonance. In this review, she discusses Williams’ approach to parenting children with ADHD based on collaboration and empathy.

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